Sketchbook no. 17 (1981)
Small bound notebook with red/black cover, dated 1981 (also used 1980/1982?)
168 lined pages, 10 x 7.5
State Library of Victoria: Howard Arkley collection, MS 14217, series 2, no.17 [F BOX 4257]
The opening page of this book is signed and dated 26/10/81 (?), but other pages suggest it was also used in 1980, 1981-82 (and perhaps later as well).
The book is full of pen or fibre-tipped pen drawings, including some very nice examples of critters etc., some on small taped-in squared sheets: see also Sketchbook no.22 (early 1980s?).
The following pages are of particular note:
- page inscribed ‘tram 384’: cf. Tram no.384 1980 [3/M]
- sketch of a telephone: cf. Primitive (1981) [mural] [W/P]
- phone numbers for Ashley Crawford, Jo Ritson, and others
- sketch of a cactus (cf. mid 1980s works)