Inventory (1975)

Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 180.3 x 163.3
Private collection, Melbourne
Arkley’s archive slides (one with process date Apr75) suggest this work may have been shown originally in an even more minimal form (for a reproduction, see the Tolarno 1975 exhibition entry). The painting is reproduced here in its present state, as shown at Tolarno in 1995 (Monash VA slide), and the Arkley retrospective in 2006 (as ‘Untitled [c.1976]’).
- artist’s collection
- P/C Melb.
- HA Tolarno 4/75, cat.8
- HA Tolarno 9/95 (‘White + Black’), cat.3
- HA retrospective 2006-7 (Melbourne only; as ‘Untitled [c.1976]’)