Untitled [A135] (c.1974-76) [W/P]

Synthetic polymer paint and ink on paper, c.38.5 x 56.5 (sheet)
State Library Victoria [MS 14217/1/1707]
This image, looking something like a diagrammatic town plan, is cited in Carnival in Suburbia as typical of Arkley’s early formal approach, using the airbrush ‘to point up a specific contrast between different qualities of line and pattern: precise vs.fuzzy, assertive vs.vague’.
= ‘White’ W/P cat.no.151
- artist’s collection (no.A135)
- P/C Melb.
- State Library Victoria (gift of the Estate of Howard Arkley through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program, 2020)
- Gregory, Carnival in Suburbia (2006), 92 (quoted above) and Fig.3.6: as Untitled, mid-late 1970s